Diabetes In Cats

Diabetes In Cats

If you have a cat, then you might be wondering if they have diabetes. Of course, it’s never possible to be entirely sure without taking your cat to the vet, but there are some things that you should be looking out for. In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the signs and symptoms of diabetes in cats, as well as some of the treatments. As such, if you want to know more about this topic, keep reading down below.

Signs and symptoms of cat Diabetes

Much like humans, there are things that you should be looking out for if you suspect that your cat has diabetes. The first thing you want to look out for is excessive urination and thirst. You should notice if your cat is going to the bathroom more often or if they are drinking a lot more than usual. It could be either Type I or Type II with this symptom, only the vet will be able to confirm.

The next thing that you should watch out for is increased weight loss and appetite. It might be the case that your cat has been losing a lot of weight recently, and if it is diabetes related, this is because the cells can no longer absorb glucose from the blood properly. This will trigger the breakdown of proteins and fats, which will increase the appetite of your cat.

If you notice any changes in gait, this could also be a sign. Diabetes can cause weakness in cats, which sometimes results in them walking on the back of their hind legs. This is dangerous if left untreated because your cat could end up paralyzed if this carries on. If you notice this, you’ve got to get to a vet sooner rather than later.

Or, your cat might lose interest in things that it loves. Sometimes it can be tricky to tell with cats, but if you know their routine and you watch closely, you will be able to tell. For example, if they no longer jump on furniture but you know this is something that they enjoy doing usually, this could be an indication something isn’t right.

Also watch out for vomiting, lethargy or lack of appetite. All of these are warning signs that you shouldn’t ignore.

Diabetes Treatments

Again, similar to humans, there is no way to cure diabetes in cats. Instead, most diabetic cats are going to have to have a daily shot of insulin to regulate their blood sugar. This will manage the symptoms and keep your cat in the best health possible. The vet will show you how to administer the medicine, and you will do this from home for the rest of their life.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now understand more about diabetes in cats. If you think that yours might have diabetes, it is important that you take them to a vet as soon as possible to get checked out. Don’t delay, because the quicker the vet can diagnose your cat, the better for everyone involved.

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