Many of us know what we want to do before we die but what about our dogs? Recently the owner of a terminally ill boxer created a bucket list for her dog. What do you think dogs might want to do before they go to heaven? Here are a few suggestions. 1. Meet a celebrity dog trainer2. Show off heelwork to music on Britains Got Talent3. Enter crufts4. Meet the largest dog in the world5. Meet the smallest dog in the world6. Roll in a puddle of mud7. Roll in fox poo 100 times8. Eat the biggest bone in the world9. Try fillet steak10. Run with wild wolves11. Spend an afternoon by a warm fire12. Play in the snow13. Pee in the snow14. Try and eat snow (not advised!)15. Cheer owner up16. Chase a cat17. Destroy a pair of shoes18. Have a dog film marathon with doggy pals, must see films include homeward bound, Hatchi, Turner and Hooch and Beethoven19. Ride in an open top car20. Scare the postman21. Try and climb a tree after a squirrel22. Bark at my own reflection23. Stay in a luxury dog hotel24. Sniff the bottom of every breed of dog25. Swim in the sea26. Try (BARF)27. Steal owners dinner28. Have own 29. Have a protest pee on the carpet30. Use puppy dog eyes31. Try out every toy in the pet shop32. Dig hole under fence and escape33. Chase 500 birds in lifetime and never catch one34. Claim spot on the sofa35. Sleep in owners bed36. Get dirty as quickly as possible after a bath37. Poop in next door neighbour's garden38. Destroy house when owner goes out39. Protect owner from danger40. Get owner to buy memory foam dog bed41. Master all dog sports including Flyball, Agility and Cani X42. Go to dog exhibition and try all the dog food samples43. Beat owner at tug of war44. Eat grass45. Have bark off with dog next door46. Get into the bins and eat everything47. Steal food and get away with it48. Try 49. Travel outside of the UK50. Eat/chew someone's homework