
Looking After Pet Mice

Looking After Pet Mice

If you are looking for a pet for your son or daughter then a small mouse could be the answer. Mice are easy to train and they enjoy attention. If...

Looking After Pet Mice

If you are looking for a pet for your son or daughter then a small mouse could be the answer. Mice are easy to train and they enjoy attention. If...

Keeping Your Rabbit Happy

Keeping Your Rabbit Happy

There are a few things that rabbits need to keep them happy. As a rabbit owner you need to know what things they like and the essential things they need....

Keeping Your Rabbit Happy

There are a few things that rabbits need to keep them happy. As a rabbit owner you need to know what things they like and the essential things they need....

Keeping Ferrets As Pets

Keeping Ferrets As Pets

Ferrets are fun, curious, and sociable mammals. Experienced owners agree that each pet ferret has their own personality and temperament, but they all love attention. So, if you are looking...

Keeping Ferrets As Pets

Ferrets are fun, curious, and sociable mammals. Experienced owners agree that each pet ferret has their own personality and temperament, but they all love attention. So, if you are looking...

How To Handle A Chinchilla

How To Handle A Chinchilla

Chinchillas can be very nervous of people. They are predated in the wild and so will naturally associate handling with being captured by a predator. It is crucial that chinchillas...

How To Handle A Chinchilla

Chinchillas can be very nervous of people. They are predated in the wild and so will naturally associate handling with being captured by a predator. It is crucial that chinchillas...

How To Exercise Your Rabbit

How To Exercise Your Rabbit

Some people don't realise just how much exercise rabbits need. They should not be kept in their hutch all day long without any form of exercise. A lack of exercise...

How To Exercise Your Rabbit

Some people don't realise just how much exercise rabbits need. They should not be kept in their hutch all day long without any form of exercise. A lack of exercise...

How Long Do Rabbits Live

How Long Do Rabbits Live

If you are looking at getting a rabbit as a pet, you may wonder how long they live for. Many years ago, there was a myth that rabbits only lived...

How Long Do Rabbits Live

If you are looking at getting a rabbit as a pet, you may wonder how long they live for. Many years ago, there was a myth that rabbits only lived...